Young Adult Group - Join now!

Going to college can be a challenging transition. It can be hard to find a path for yourself into adulthood especially if you are struggling with depression and/or anxiety. Perhaps you struggle with motivation, accepting challenges, working through difficulties, and meeting your goals. Experience the benefits of a group where you can process your struggles and set goals in a confidential environment. Receive feedback from other young adults facing the same challenges as you.

New therapist and location!

We are so excited to have Liz Mathews-Jolley join us in offering our in-person groups. Liz is a extremely experienced therapist. Please visit her website.

We also have a new beautiful location! We moved right across the street to 4041 University Drive in Fairfax City.

Reach out today about our virtual and in person group options. All three therapists offer individual sessions. Contact us to discuss both in person and virtual therapy options.