We have several groups designed to support teens so they can practice and gain the skills needed to navigate life. Our groups are a safe, confidential, and supportive place for adolescents and young adults to learn from each other while receiving therapeutic guidance. Please contact us to discuss our group options so we can find the right match for your teen.

High School Groups

Is it difficult to be yourself around others because of the interfering thoughts running through your head? Do you sometimes feel isolated and alone? Worry that you are the only one struggling with anxiety or depression? Do you want friendships with others but struggle to live your life in the way you want? Teenagers can benefit from a group atmosphere where you are able to process your struggles in a confidential environment and receive feedback and support from teens who are just like you! This group is interactive and will use activities and media and art resources to connect and process thoughts and feelings.

Middle school groups

This group is a processing group for pre-teens and teens in middle school (grades 6th - 8th). This group is focused on the issues facing kids as they navigate social relationships, self esteem, peer pressure, increased academic demands and managing their emotions. A therapeutic group is just what they need to realize they are not alone. The group members will develop coping skills and social confidence from sharing their insights and learning from each other in a safe and inclusive group environment. Join our group! This group is highly interactive and will use activities, media, and art resources to connect and process thoughts and feelings.

Young adult group (Virtual)

YOU’RE AN ADULT. NOW WHAT? This co-ed therapy group will be a confidential and safe environment where you can process your struggles and goals. It can be hard to find a path for yourself into adulthood especially if you are struggling with depression and/or anxiety. Perhaps you struggle with motivation, accepting challenges, working through difficulties, and meeting your goals. Experience the benefits of a group where you can process your struggles and set goals in a confidential environment. Receive feedback from other young adults facing the same challenges as you.